Season 2 Episode 2 - S2E2 - I Will Survive (From the Centre)

I Will Survive. What else can you do but stumble blindly forward? As per the mantra of this series, this is a song that I've had in my periphery for a while, but just came across randomly this week. Given the nature of my last post, I found this fitting to lighten the air a bit. So, why don't you join me in donning your favorite cloak and hat and just stumble through this tune here with me? Oh, and in case you didn't notice I'm taking from the Cake version quite a bit, here. Swear word and all. Sorry, chillens!! Forgive the drummer, he is but a machine trapped inside a helpless keyboard. A tragedy of symbiosis, perhaps. Anyway, it was good to let off some steam.

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